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Helen Keller’s quote, ‘What we have once

 enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose,

for all that we love deeply becomes part of us,’

sets the stage beautifully for the importance of

creating memories.”

(“Empty Arms”, Sherokee Ilse)




When a baby dies we try and keep our baby’s memory alive in our hearts and lives.  By creating memories of the short time we have with our baby (conception, birth, death) it helps us along in our journey throughout the grief and healing process.




There are three links below for ideas

of things that can be

done at different stages.

It also shows that it is never

too late!


I have found this very sad to do as it has

how many things I could have done

with my boys and how many memories

I have missed out on. It is my hope that I may

another Mummy by showing her what she

can do.


If as you read this you think of some

other things to add to the list please

do not hesitate to fill in the suggestions

box located at the bottom of each of

these pages and I will add it.

                                Thank you



Any Suggestions please fill in the box
